Publication 4 of the Radio Amateur's Library
The early editions unnumbered entitled "Rules and Regulations ..." may be precursers to publication number 4. The oldest issue actually bearing the publication number I have so far is the 16th edition, published in 1931. In the 1940's then the publication adopted a consistent look, even to the most recent one known (1989). Other later publications, including the Operating Guide (Radio Amateur's Library No. 29) eventually replaced this publication. In 1954, the publication contained 19 pages, with sections covering operating practice, emergency communications, activities and awards, ARRL field organization, message handling, networking, abbreviations and prefixes, FCC regulations, and miscellaneous (including the Amateur's Code). Although the topics remained connsistent through the years, the content expanded to almost 50 pages by 1974. Although the cover price was 25 cents (in 1954), the publication was available free to ARRL members. (Click image for larger view)