September 1924 - November 29, 1999
The session pictured was the initial gathering in Collierville to test 10 and 24 GHz gear (and Heath "Twoers" as well). W4HHK worked N4MW and W5LUA in two grids needed to complete his 10 GHz VUCC requirements. The W4HHK callsign is secured for use by the Society. The Society began operating propagation beacons on 50.070 and 144.280 MHz on June 22, 2009. Power is 0.2 watts on 6 meters and 2 watts on 2 meters. Antennas are M Squared Sqloops at 30 feet. QSL to N4MW. (W4HHK QRZ.COM Info) |
Communicate with Dave Meier.