My employer in 1977, the Defense Industrial Plant
Equipment Center (DIPEC), operated machine tool storage and rebuild facilities in
California, Ohio and Pennsylvania. I was tasked to perform a study of the potential
for the new Hewlett Packard calibration laser system for use at our rebuild
facilities. I visited other laser users such as Arnold Engineering Development
Center, Naval Avionics Facility and Rock Island Arsenal to study and observe their use of
the system. The result was the purchase of a complete $50,000 system in order for me
to master its operation. This was soon followed by three additional systems for the
use at rebuild facilities. I traveled to each facility a number of times to receive
the equipment, to assist in the training provided by HP, and to provide additional
training. I became the DoD expert on the deployment of these systems, travelling to
Tinker AFB, Warner Robbins AFB, and Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard to provide training as
well as actual measurement services. I became very proficent in programming
the system to automate measurements and many automated measurement procedures were
produced and disseminated.
In April 2005 I was pleased to obtain an
HP 5526A system with linear measurement optics. This system was manufactured at HP
in San Carlos in November 1979. Twenty-six years later, the laser and display
electronics still function flawlessly. The optics needed some cleanup but also work
perfectly. My system even came in the HP hard shell transit cases. I have
since obtained a tripod and automatic compensator with full complement of air and material
sensors. The picture at right shows my system in operation. The items on the
cart shelf are spare sensors and two each 10X and 36X resolution externder boxes.
With repairs to the calculator tape drive and a little more information about the
16 bit interface connection, I hope to be able to again have the entire automated system
working with the 9825 calculator and 9872 plotter.